原标题:非洲能源商会敦促各方结束石油价格战 中国石化新闻网讯 据离岸能源4月7日消息,非洲能源商会是一个由网络、交易和合作组成的商会,掌控着非洲不断增长的能源产业。非洲能源商会敦促欧佩克和欧佩克+达成协议,结束导致油价下跌至历史最低水平的石油价格战。 欧佩克和欧佩克+将于4月9日星期四在维也纳举行会议,争取就结束目前的油价战争达成协议。 自去年3月欧佩克未能就维持减产达成协议以来,主要产油国一直在提高产量,以维持并扩大其市场份额。供应的增加是在疫情造成的需求冲击之后发生的,并将油价推至平均20美元的历史低点。 在会议召开之前,非洲能源商会敦促欧佩克和欧佩克+共同努力,找到一项恢复市场稳定的协议。商会周二在一份声明中表示,非洲石油经济体的形势十分严峻,非洲大陆需要达成一项协议,以确保其石油产业的连续性和存续。 在油价暴跌之后,埃克森美的Rovuma LNG等有待开发的关键项目被推迟。其它已在进行中的项目,如塞内加尔的Greater Tortue Ahmeyim项目,正考虑延长削减资本支出的时间表。 更重要的是,一些钻探合同已经终止或取消,或者根本不会发生。整个非洲大陆都是如此,尤其是在冈比亚或安哥拉等备受期待的钻探作业。此外,根据商会的说法,如果这种情况持续下去,非洲能源行业可能会失去数千个工作岗位。 非洲能源商会执行主席Nj Ayuk表示:“冠状病毒疫情和石油价格战的双重危机,对非洲及其产油国和企业造成了毁灭性的影响。” 他表示:“让我们明确一点,目前的价格战没有赢家。我们敦促欧佩克和欧佩克+成员国,特别是非洲产油国,为达成协议提供一切支持,为我们带来必要的稳定,看到希望。” 尽管商会确实认为,市场力量必须发挥作用,并塑造该行业的未来,但非洲的形势已变得太过严峻,该行业和政府不能袖手旁观。 Nj Ayuk总结道:“在与美国生产商进行对话之后,我们认为有必要与北美的页岩油生产商和欧佩克成员国展开更广泛的对话。这是需要稳定市场并防止未来波动的合作。” 裘寅 编译自 离岸能源 原文如下: African Energy Chamber urges OPEC and OPEC+ to end oil price war The African Energy Chamber, a chamber of networks, transactions, and partnerships at the helm of Africa’s growing energy industries, has urged OPEC and OPEC+ to reach a deal on ending the oil price war which has sent the oil price tumbling to historic low levels. OPEC and OPEC+ are set to meet in Vienna on Thursday, April 9 to try to reach a deal on ending the current oil prices war. Since OPEC failed to reach a deal on maintaining production cuts last March, major oil producers have been ramping up production to maintain and increase their market share. Increased supply came on top of a demand shock due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and sent oil prices at a historic low averaging $20. Ahead of the meeting, the African Energy Chamber has urged OPEC and OPEC+ to work together and find a deal to restore market stability. The situation in Africa’s oil economies is dire and the continent needs a deal to ensure the continuity and survival of its industry, the chamber said in a statement on Tuesday. Following the crash in oil prices, key projects awaiting FID such as ExxonMobil’s Rovuma LNG have been delayed. Other projects already on the move, such as Senegal’s Greater Tortue Ahmeyim, are seeing an extension of their timeline to provide for capex cuts. More importantly, several drilling contracts have been terminated or cancelled, or simply will not be happening. This is the case across the continent, especially for much-awaited drilling operations like in The Gambia or Angola. On top of that, thousands of jobs could be lost in the African energy sector if the situation was to linger, according to the chamber. “The twin crisis of the COVID-19 country lockdowns and oil price war has had a devastating effect for Africa and its producing countries and companies,” said Nj Ayuk, Executive Chairman at the African Energy Chamber. “Let’s be clear, this current prices war will have no winner. We urge OPEC and OPEC+ Members, especially African producers, to support all efforts to reach a deal and bring the stability we need to see the end of the tunnel,” he added. While the chamber truly believes that market forces have to work and shape the future of the industry, the situation has become too dire in Africa for the sector and governments to stay idle. “Following our conversation with US producers, we believe there needs to be a bigger dialogue with shale producers in North America and OPEC Members. This is the collaboration that the market needs to be stabilized and prevent future volatility,” Nj Ayuk concluded. |
上一篇:全球减产或有望 油价小幅上涨